Choosing And Comparing Dog Insurance
When considering taking out dog insurance it can pay to shop around and compare cover. Just as insurance for humans varies so does insurance for your pet. Here are some things that you may wish to consider.
Providers usually offer different levels of dog insurance. The different levels typically relate to the maximum amount you are able to claim if needed. For example a top package typically pays out more per year than the lowest package. All levels of insurance will come with a limit as to the maximum amount you are able to claim, if needed. Check out the top limits on each of the benefits, for instance, boarding fees, advertising costs and vets fees.
When dog insurance bear in mind that there is always a certain amount of excess that has to be paid if you make a claim. This varies between providers but there is always a minimum amount. The excess is the money you pay towards a claim in the event of having to make one, before the insurance provider pays the rest. Usually, the higher the amount of excess, the cheaper the insurance premiums, so if an insurance policy seems to be very cheap, it could be due to the large excess.